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Flashcard and lesson management

Bringteacher on Tue, 31 Dec, 2024

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Key features to manage flashcards:

Shuffle cards


Randomly rearrange your flashcards to keep learning fresh and unpredictable.
When to Use: Great for testing your memory without relying on card order.

Filter by all


Displays your entire collection of flashcards, including all topics and categories.
Why Use This: Useful for a broad review when you don’t want to apply specific filters.

Filter by bookmark


Displays only the flashcards you’ve bookmarked.
Why Use It: Quickly access your favorite or most important flashcards.

Create flashcard


Add custom flashcards with questions, answers, images, or audio.
Tip: Use this to personalize your learning materials by tailoring cards to your needs.

Create lesson


Group flashcards into themed lessons to share with students or peers.
Why Use This: Ideal for educators or learners who want structured topics.

Share flashcards

Share your lessons or personalized flashcards with friends, students, or other learners.
How It helps: Collaborative learning becomes easy and accessible.
Save - Build - Reuse lesson plans, easily

Track your learning progress

Question answered


Mark cards as answered when you’ve completed them.
Use Case: Track which concepts you’ve mastered at a glance.

Question unanswered


Highlights cards that remain incomplete or need attention.
Why It’s Useful: Focus on your weaker areas for improvement.

Advanced study modes

Toggle lock/unlock cards


Lock cards to control the flipping feature.
Pro Tip: Use this to keep study sets consistent, especially when sharing.

Toggle quiz/slide mode


Switch between interactive quizzes and simple slide presentations.
Best For: Use quiz mode to challenge yourself or slide mode for reviewing concepts.

Toggle slideshow mode


Enables automatic card transitions for hands-free studying, including a fullscreen option.
Why It’s Great: Ideal for passive learning or review sessions.

Explore learning tools

Explore the World topics section

Save favorite flashcards or create personalized ones for specific topics.
Tip: Use this section to build your “World of Knowledge” by bookmarking topics of interest, automatically categorized in Persona

Language puzzle section

Challenge yourself with grammar and sentence structure exercises.
Why It’s Useful: Improve language skills through targeted  or holistic practice

Audio features for language learning

British English audio


Hear British English pronunciation.
When to Use: Perfect for practicing accents and learning UK-based dialects.

Danish audio


Listen to Danish pronunciation.
Best For: Learning Danish or improving conversational fluency.

American English audio


Play American English pronunciation.
Why It Helps: Focus on U.S. accents and vocabulary.

Premium features for enhanced learning

Audio download (Premium)


Download audio files to your device for offline learning or teaching.
Pro Tip: Study or teach anytime, anywhere, without relying on an internet connection.
Enhance engagement by pairing audio with printable or online exercises for your students.

Image upload (Premium)


Add custom images to flashcards to enhance visual learning.
Why It’s Great: Pictures can make concepts easier to understand and remember.

Community and collaboration

Join our forum

Share ideas, tips, and resources with other learners and educators.
Why Join: Build a supportive community and get feedback on your learning journey.

Fluencyonlife is designed to help you learn efficiently while making the process interactive and enjoyable. 
Explore, create, and share as you enhance your knowledge every day!